Rocky Glen Peoria’s Newest Park

Posted on: June 1st, 2015 by Tammy Finch

Rocky Glen is Peoria’s newest park, a natural area with unique geological beauty, a fascinating human history, and a very special combination of plant communities. A non-profit group, Friends of Rocky Glen (FORG), mantains a website and offers free guided tours every month to showcase this truly awesome park. Visit, for lots of pictures, information and a full calendar listing of the hikes and what to wear. This is a moderately strenuous hike that can be done by anyone who can walk the total distance of about 1 mile.

The story of the people of Rocky Glen includes the hundreds of carvings on the soft sandstone walls. The oldest carved date is 1880, the youngest markings are not carvings at all but spray paint from young picnic fools.

Coal mining first brought the European people to Kickapoo Creek, and the now abandoned coal mine entrance that  hikers pass enroute to the spectacular box canyon once connected over 50 miles of underground tunnel, all four feet high following the Pennsylvania coal seam.

I highly recommend the hike and suggest you look at the website for more information and a possible guided tour.


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